

Ep 40: I’M BACK 🎉 Embracing the Seasons of Life!

Oh my god I’ve missed podcasting! However, I needed to take some time to recalibrate and come back better than ever. In this week’s podcast episode we’ll take a deep dive into the importance of embracing your season of life. Lucky for you… I had to learn the hard way which lead to total burnout. I hope this episode will prevent you from making the same mistake or provide some perspective and clarity about the season you are in.




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I’m Shawnell

Here you’ll hear stories from myself and other amazing women who decided to take a leap of faith, build their endurance and get more InTune to become the women they were created to be! We’ll open up a dialog around mindset, healing past traumas, faith/spirituality, relationships, motherhood, the entrepreneurial journey, and much more!!