

Ep 37: “Manifestation” Is In The Bible… Its called Faith!

Manifestation is in the bible… It’s called Faith. I feel like there’s so much judgement around this new aged way of thinking. To be honest, I’ve fallen into the idea of manifestation and that I was fully in control over God. I believe that’s where I missed the mark in the beginning. In this week’s podcast episode I share my perspective on Manifestation and how its actually already in the bible. 

*I would love to grow this podcast, so if you feel led to share. Please do! The more people who listen the bigger our community can grow*





I’m Shawnell

Here you’ll hear stories from myself and other amazing women who decided to take a leap of faith, build their endurance and get more InTune to become the women they were created to be! We’ll open up a dialog around mindset, healing past traumas, faith/spirituality, relationships, motherhood, the entrepreneurial journey, and much more!!